Ohlone Audubon Society

Serving Southern and Eastern Alameda County


Events Calendar

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Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary
Wednesday 06 December 2023, 09:00am - 12:00pm
Hits : 143

Leader: Kathy Robertson

katbirdca AT aol.com


San Francisco Bay is one of the most important areas for wintering shorebirds on the west coast of North America. Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary usually provides good views of shorebirds on their wintering grounds. Meet at the Elsie Roemer viewing platform where Broadway meets Shore Line Drive.

Directions: Take I-880 north to Davis Street; exit west and go to Doolittle Drive. Turn right on Doolittle and follow it to the bridge to Alameda, where the street becomes Otis Drive. Turn left on Broadway, drive southwest to Shore Line Drive, and park along the street. Bring your scope if you have one. This is planned as a 3‑hour trip. We’ll end at Crab Cove Visitor Center, where facilities are available.

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