Join the Ohlone Audubon Society (a chapter of The National Audubon Society) and become a part of the team that works on local environmental conservation issues and provides continuing education for its members and community. The Ohlone Audubon Society is a non-proft 501(c)3 organization that is run completely by volunteers. There are several ways you can help!
Become an OAS member and make a difference locally.
Most people do not realize that the Ohlone Audubon Society (OAS) and the National Audubon Society (NAS) are two separate organizations. Although we share a name and have the same mission of conserving our natural world, NAS looks at issues from a national level and leaves it to local chapters like OAS to address our local Bay Area issues.
When you join NAS as a new member, the local chapter receives little or no future annual funding from the national organization.
The annual OAS membership is $25. This entitles you to eight issues of the newsletter, field trip participation, and lecture programs. In addition your membership helps our local conservation and educational efforts. Your $25 stays here in the Bay Area, where it will be used to save our local wetlands, streams, and other bird habitats and to support our environmental education programs, field trips, and conservation programs.