Bird Watching Classes
Bird Watching Classes and Workshops
Birds of the Bay Area, Phil Gordon
Livermore Valley, Mountains and Coastal Birding Classes, Rich Cimino
Waterbirds of Central California and the Bay Area, Daniel Edelstein, M.S.
Phil Gordon regularly teaches a class through Castro Valley Adult School on birds of the bay area on Fridays from 10:15 to 12:15. Classroom sessions meet on campus in the Main Center Bldg., Room 12. When meeting for trips away from campus, car pooling will be encouraged.
To view when the next class is taking place, contact:
Castro Valley Adult School: 4430 Alma Avenue, Castro Valley, 94546
Instructor: Phil Gordon, Naturalist, Ornithologist, Wildlife Photographer, Conservationist and State Credentialed Teacher. Member of: American Birding Assoc. & American Ornithologists Union; Ohlone Audubon Society; Calif. Academy of Science; Point Reyes and San Francisco Bay and Big Sur Bird Observatories; Lindsay Wildlife Museum. Over 45 years birding; over 25 years with Acalanes Adult Education. Field Trip Leader and Guide, incl.: Trinidad & Tobago, Canadian Arctic and Northwest Territories, Darien' Panama', Costa Rica, Florida, South & Central Texas, Arizona, Yucatan and Central to South Mexico, Guatemala; and much of Western U.S. Field Trip Leader and Guide. Phil can be contacted at 510-538-3550 or by email by clicking on his name here: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or emailing membership AT
Livermore Valley, Mountains and Coastal Birding Classes with Rich Cimino
Beginning Birding Instruction:
Rich Cimino, is a skilled facilitator and mentor that utilizes practical birding skills to teach the beginner birder. Tailored for the individual or a small group you'll learn the fundamentals of using your binoculars, field guide, bird field marks and birding by habitat. Schedule to suit your busy life style and small group classes by calling 925-353-0266 or email by clicking on his name here: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or emailiing yellowbilledtours AT
Intermediate and advance birding clients;
Use the services of Yellowbilled Tours. With 45 years of birding experience Rich supports all levels of birders throughout California eco-regions, Coastal, Sierra Nevada's to Oregon. For Alaska we do annual trips to Nome, Barrow and Gambell, Alaska. The Belize field trip is in its fifth year and clients love the results. Trips can also be scheduled to Santa Fe, New Mexico and all of Arizona.
Rich is available seven days a week for your convenience. You can pick a birding location, a specific bird species or ask Rich to plan your field trip, to meet your requirements. Consider using Yellowbilled Tours service for birthdays, family reunions and group activities.
Bay Area airport pick-up can be scheduled. BART station pick-up's and drop off's can be arranged for East Bay Birding trips or Mines Road - Livermore Birding and Wine Tasting trips. YBT uses a modern, safe comfortable high clearance SUV for field travel. Contact Rich and Yellowbilled Tours by clicking om his name here: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or emailing yellowbilledtours AT
To contact Rich and Yellowbilled Tours, for details on new birding field trips visit
Waterbirds of Central California and the Bay Area, Daniel Edelstein, M.S.
Daniel Edelstein is an adjunct College Instructor at Merritt College & Diablo Valley College and has been serving as a birding guide since the 1980's. He leads birding tours which can be found on his website at He is a Certified Wildlife Biologist (Associate) and has been consulting on CEQA/NEPA Projects Since 1998.