Ohlone Audubon Society

Serving Southern and Eastern Alameda County

Birding Events

Ohlone Audubon Birding Events
California Birding Events
California Birding Festivals


Yellow Billed Tours Trips


Rich Cimino will customize a bird trip for you! You choose your birding location or YBT can design a field trip per your needs.  YBT caters to all levels of birding from very beginners with personal instruction in the field or your home. As well YBT offers pleasant comradely guiding for seasoned hard core lister.   Need a specific species for your life list, state or county or eBird record? To use YBT services contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at yellowbilledtours AT gmail.com in Pleasanton 925-353-0266 for details.


Travel with Golden Gate Audubon Presents:

Golden Gate Audubon has yearly trips around the country and around the world.  Visit their website for up to date details on the trips!




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California Bird Festivals



Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival, www.morrobaybirdfestival.org

Snow Goose Festival, http://www.snowgoosefestival.org/


Migration Day, Natural Bridges State Beach, Santa Cruz, www.santacruzstateparks.org

California Duck Days, Davis, CA, Yolo County, www.yolobasin.org/events.cfm

San Francisco Bay Flyway Festival, Vallejo, www.sfbayflywayfestival.com


Heron Days, Anderson Marsh State Historic Park, Lower Lake, www.heronfestival.org

Godwit Days, Arcata, Humboldt County, www.godwitdays.com


Aleutian Goose Festival: A Celebration of Wildness, Crescent City, www.aleutiangoosefestival.org

International Migratory Bird Day www.birdday.org

Kern River Valley Nature Festivals, http://kern.audubon.org/KRVSNF.htm


Kern River Valley Hummingbird Celebration http://kern.audubon.org/hummer_fest.htm


Central Valley Birding Symposium, www.cvbs.org

Sandhill Crane Festival, Lodi, www.cranefestival.com

Western Field Ornithologists:

Each year WFO holds a multi-dayconference with field trips, scientific papers,workshops and keynote addresses, as well as the annual membership meeting. www.westernfieldornithologists.org


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