Ohlone Audubon Society

Serving Southern and Eastern Alameda County


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Hawk Hill, Marin County
Friday 06 October 2023, 10:30am - 01:30pm
Hits : 151

Leader: Bob Toleno

Overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge, Hawk Hill sits near the southernmost end of the Marin County peninsula. Throughout the fall, raptors migrating south along the Pacific coast flyway prefer not to fly over water, so the tip of the peninsula funnels a large number over this spot. Early October can be one of the best times to see hawks and falcons of all kinds, including some rarely seen along the coast, like Swainson's, Ferruginous, and Broad-winged Hawks.

Bring a scope and a folding chair and we'll sit at the top of the hill and watch the raptors fly out over the Golden Gate. If hawk activity is slow that day, we might drive down to bird at Rodeo Lagoon.

Directions: Take the Richmond Bridge to Hwy 101 south, then exit on Alexander Rd (exit 442). Make a left on Bunker Rd, go through the tunnel, make a left on McCullough Rd, then at the traffic circle, turn right on Conzelman Rd. Drive about a half mile and park in the lot that overlooks the Golden Gate Bridge, where we'll meet.

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