Ohlone Audubon Society

Serving Southern and Eastern Alameda County

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Virtual March Membership Meeting: Alvaro Jaramillo
Tuesday 07 March 2023, 07:30pm
Hits : 377

Alvaro Jaramillo will be discussing the Icteridae, the family that includes blackbirds, cowbirds, grackles, and many colorful species such as the orioles and meadowlarks, as well as the amazing oropendolas of the tropics. Join us as Alvaro leads us through the fascinating world of the New World Blackbirds.

Icterids are found only in the Americas, and they are some of our most interesting land birds; their behavior, mating strategies, and breeding biology are more diverse than any other group of songbirds in our continent. Some of the antics, behaviors, and details of their lifestyle are beyond what you find in multiple different families of birds, let alone in one family. How are grackles like Elephant Seals? Why the cowbirds and buffalo story is a myth? How caciques do more social climbing than the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills! All this and more - Alvaro will try to convince you that this group that has members which are often cast aside as being “common” are perhaps among the coolest and most interesting land birds anywhere!

Alvaro Jaramillo, owner of the birding tour company, Alvaro’s Adventures, was born in Chile but began birding in Toronto, where he lived as a youth. He was trained in ecology and evolution with a particular interest in bird behavior. Research forays and backpacking trips introduced him to the riches of the Neotropics, where he has traveled extensively. He is the author of the Birds of Chile, New World Blackbirds, and writes the Identify Yourself column in Bird Watcher’s Digest magazine. Alvaro recently wrote part of the sparrow chapter for the Handbook of Birds of the World, and the new ABA Field Guide to the Birds of California. He was recently granted the Eisenmann Medal by the Linnaean Society of New York, for excellence in ornithology and encouragement of the amateur. He organizes and leads international birding tours, as well as a full schedule of pelagic trips in central California. Alvaro lives with his family in Half Moon Bay, California.



ZOOM MEETING INSTRUCTIONS:ZOOM MEETING INSTRUCTIONS:Ohlone Audubon’s membership meetings will continue to be online via Zoom. Registration is needed for OAS’s membership meetings. As before, you only need to do it once for ALL meetings. Click the URL / link below to register for OAS’s 2023 membership meetings: (After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.) https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsf-iupj4iGNwWOZRGoiFQxSQ-ANlL8dNP

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