Ohlone Audubon Society

Serving Southern and Eastern Alameda County


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February Virtual Membership Meeting: The North American Prairies
Tuesday 02 February 2021, 07:30pm
Hits : 741

Topic: The North American Prairies: An Introduction to a Little Known Ecosystem 
Presenter: Beth Madden

Location: Online Video Conference Via Zoom


Wildlife biologist Beth Madden will lead us in an exploration of the history, ecology, plants, and animals of one of North America’s most threatened ecosystems. What exactly is native prairie? How does it operate as an ecosystem, and what are our challenges in maintaining it? Learn about the natural disturbance regimes that keep prairies functioning and healthy. Grassland birds will be a special focus, as we examine how different groups of birds adapted to life on the prairies.

Beth Madden is a wildlife biologist with more than 30 years experience, mostly as a federal biologist in Montana and North Dakota with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. She also worked for the US Forest Service, for Montana State University as a research associate studying golden eagles, and more recently as a biological consultant helping energy companies monitor birds and bats at wind farms. She has a BA in Zoology from the University of Montana, and an MS in Biology from Montana State University. Raised in upstate New York, Beth did not come to appreciate the prairies until her graduate research took her to North Dakota to study the importance of fire in maintaining habitat for prairie birds. Her subsequent work on national wildlife refuges focused on improving wildlife habitat by restoring natural disturbance regimes to the prairies.


During to COVID-19, Ohlone Audubon’s membership meeting will be online via Zoom until further notice. 

Pre-registration for meeting participation is required however you do not need to be a member to pre-register and join the meeting.

To register for the membership meeting, please follow the link on our Membership Meeting page

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