Ohlone Audubon Society

Serving Southern and Eastern Alameda County


Events Calendar

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Del Valle SRA
Saturday 02 May 2015, 08:30am - 11:30am
Hits : 879

Leader: Steve Huckabone, shuckabone AT comcast.net


We will take a ~3 mile route looking for migrants and resident birds, including Chipping Sparrow, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Bell’s Sparrow and Phainopepla. Along the way we may inspect nest boxes to see how this year’s hatchlings are progressing.  Warning: the hike involves some steep terrain so would be considered strenuous by most birders. Bring walking sticks if you like.  Meet at the parking lot at the west end of the bridge at the south end of the lake. Restrooms and water available near the parking area and about half way through the transect at the Cedar Group Camp. To reach the meeting place, exit I-580 in Livermore at North Livermore Avenue. Head south and proceed through town. North Livermore Avenue will become South Livermore Avenue in town. About 1.5 miles outside town, turn right at Mines Road, go about 3.5 miles and continue straight onto Del Valle Road (Mines Road turns left) to the park entrance ($6 fee, no charge with an EBParks annual pass). After entering the park continue on  Del Valle road to the parking lot on the west end of the bridge.

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