Events Calendar
Middle Harbor Shoreline Park
Sunday, September 8th
10:00 AM-12:30 PM
Leaders: Megan Jankowski, Bob Toleno, and Juli Chamberlin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This 38-acre park opened to the public in 2004, and is an excellent example of how former industrial sites can be transformed through habitat restoration. Shorebirds will be the main focus of the trip, with a possibility for some rarities at this time of year (Baird's Sandpiper and Bar-tailed Godwit have been found at this location.) Terns, gulls, Ospreys, pelicans, and other piscivores will also be seen, as well as maybe some rocky shorebirds, like turnstones or Wandering Tattler, all with the photogenic background of the San Francisco skyline.
Directions: Take I-880 north toward Oakland to the 7th St exit toward West Grand Ave. Turn left onto 7th Street and head west to the stoplight at Middle Harbor Rd. Proceed through the intersection and take the first right turn into the MHSP parking lot.